July 04, 2022

Things You Learn While Living With Roommates

If you’re moving into a PG accommodation with roommates, then you’re about to go on a ride. Probably the best ride of your life. Because you know what? Living with other people teaches you more about life – and yourself – than any book or movie. And that’s just the learning bit. The fun bit is that a good roommate can turn even your lowest moments into something to smile about. It’s kinda like how a simple meal for dinner turns you off. But tearing open a packet of blue Lay’s makes it a lot more palatable.

Now, the fun bits are something you’ll only experience when you experience it. But as for the learning bits, we’ve listed them below. That’s because we care about young migrants like you at our Stanza Living residences. So we do everything in our hands to make the process of leaving away from home a lot easier. For example, all your house-renting formalities in our co-living spaces can be done through our residents’ app. So you don’t have to run around at the whims of your landlords. Now, let’s move on and read about how roomies in paying guest accommodations leave you with lessons for life. And while we’re at it, don’t hesitate to munch on a packet of blue Lay’s.

Things You Will Learn While Living With Roommates in a PG Hostel or a Co-living space

7 valuable lessons you’ll learn while living with roommates:

Looking for a place with 24×7 app-based assistance and on-call housekeeping? Just check out our Stanza Living residences.


Learn to adjust. That’s something your mum might have told you. But a hostel is where you learn this lesson by heart. When you’re living with a roomie, sometimes you’ve got to let go of a few things you don’t want to. In order to reach a middle ground with them. And nope, we’re not even talking about a fight. In fact, it can be something as simple as learning to sleep while the lights are on, so your roomie can continue studying at night. Or pretending to be liking music you don’t actually like. Or smiling a forced smile when they keep asking you to share their new reel.


You see, when you’ve moved into PG rooms, your mum’s no longer around to cover your back. Instead, you have to cover your roomie’s back and vice versa. So that in itself, makes you more responsible than ever before. For example, let’s say, maybe you used to make a big mess in your room back home. And your folks always cleaned up after you. But that can’t happen in your PG. So you have to be mindful about your roomies and refrain from doing things they definitely won’t appreciate.


Remember when you argue with those long, long texts with your partner? And it turns worse because one person totally misinterprets the tone of a particular text? Well, we’ve been there too. It’s why clear communication and being vocal are so important. It’ll help you avoid future conflicts with your roomies. Or even if they happen, you’ll be able to resolve them quickly and move on as if nothing ever happened. Basically, the tone you use on your Reddit forums might not be the best one to use in these kinda situations lol.

Money management

If you think keeping a check on your personal expenses is difficult, wait till you have to do it with another person. Especially if you’re sharing a flat and you have to track both of your personal spending and shared ones. So we suggest you and your roomie download an expense tracker app and take it from there. Trust us, after a little bit of practice (and going broke), you’d start organizing your finances seamlessly. As seamlessly as that aunt who has one small pouch for coins. Another one for 10, 50, and 100 rupee notes. And a man’s purse for all the big notes. Also, not to mention, a dozen docs of saving policies were kept safe in her locker.

Sharing is Caring

Don’t you feel good when your bestie leaves the last bite of her cheesecake for you? Especially when she was warning you about not wanting to share it? Sure you do. Now, of course, your roomie may not be your bestie, but you’ve got to share some things. Sometimes, to let them know that you’ve got them. Other times, just cause of basic etiquette. So yea, that’s what you’ll learn. To share the care and shed the load.

Alone Time Is Important

The more days you spend with other people, the more you’ll realize how precious your alone time actually is. And in this case, you’re not just spending time. You’re constantly staying in the same room. So this is why you should make it a point to catch some ‘me’ time every now and then. It’ll make you healthy, stealthy, and wise.

Setting Boundaries

If someone offered to travel back in time and teach our younger selves to create healthy boundaries, it’d be great, innit? Yep. But ok, it might be too late for boomers as time travel is only possible in movies. Though for folks like you, who’re still in your formative years, you’ll get plenty of time while living with roommates. So keep your mind open, kewl?

FAQs on Living With Roommates

Which are the Things you Learn While Living With Roommates?

Well, these are the things you learn while living with roommates:

  • Adjusting
  • Responsibility
  • Communication
  • Money management
  • Sharing is caring
  • Alone time is important
  • Setting boundaries
  • Communication

What are the Types of Roomies that I’m Likely to Come Across in a PG?

The types of roomies that you’re most likely to come across in a PG:

  • The Messy One
  • The Parent Away From Home
  • The Party Animal
  • The Studious One
  • The Keeper

What are the Things I Need to Carry for my First Week in a Hostel?

So you don’t have to borrow stuff from your roomie on the first day, just carry these things with you:

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Tool Kit
  • Toiletries
  • Extension Cords
  • First Aid Kit’

How to Resolve Conflicts With Your Roomie?

To resolve conflicts with your roomie, just be mindful about these:

  • Sign a rental agreement
  • Talk, don’t scream
  • Compromise
  • Be assertive
  • Get a mutual friend to help out
  • Be a good roommate yourself

What are the Ways to Save Money with a Roomie?

These are the ways to save money with your roomie:

  • Shop for the whole month
  • Order less, cook more
  • Plan your commute together
  • share stuff with each other
  • Keep a coin jar at home
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